by Paul J. Sniadecki, MLSA Board Director
The ELGE/DEQ system which was open through July 1, 2019, recorded 52 lake applicants for grants under the new Michigan AIS Control and Eradication initiative. Grants are for eligible applicants for the control or eradication of aquatic invasive plant species in inland lakes. This new grant program, for the 2019 grant cycle, is to cover only necessary permit fees for eligible projects undertaking chemical, physical or biological control of aquatic invasive plant species, or a combination of these methods.
Sarah LeSage of the MI EGLE/DEQ states 52 Lakes successfully used Michigan’s Statewide Integrated Governmental Management Applications (SIGMA) Vendor Self Service (VSS) ( to apply for the new grants. (NOTE: SIGMA is the only way for application submission, notification of award, reporting, and subsequent reimbursement). LeSage also stated the applications are being reviewed and the EGLE/DEQ is on schedule to announce grant recipients by the September 1, 2019 target date. LeSage further advised that the program guidelines would be adhered to, which appears to mean only ANC Permits for the sole purpose of control/eradication of AIS would be deemed eligible for consideration.
MLSA will continue to monitor this new grant process, and will develop findings and recommendations for the future once the initial results are announced.,5664,7-324-71276_92001—,00.html