The Michigan Natural Shoreline Partnership is pleased to offer the
2018 Michigan Certified Natural Shoreline Professional (MCNSP) Training and Certification Program Training
Two days of classroom instruction and a one-day field exercise designed to equip professional landscape and marine contractors to design, implement and maintain natural shoreline landscapes on inland lakes.
► Classroom instruction includes topics on:
Michigan lakes and problems with shoreline development
Characteristics and benefits of natural shorelines
Shoreline ecosystems, soils and native plants
Methods, techniques and design of bio-engineered shoreline erosion control
Designing, monitoring and maintaining a natural shoreline landscape
Natural shoreline case studies
Water law and shoreline development permits
► One-day field exercise installing a natural shoreline landscape on an inland lake property (scheduled at a later date).
Certification: Completion of all two days of in-class instruction and one day of field exercise and successfully passing the certification exam is required. Certification is valid for three years. Re-certification requires the payment of a fee.
Benefits of becoming an MCNSP
- Michigan Certified Natural Shoreline Professional identifies you as having successfully completed this training in the use of “green” landscaping technologies and bio-engineered erosion control for the protection of Michigan inland lakes. MCNSP is approved by the Michigan Natural Shoreline Partnership and recognized by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources.
- Your name and contact information will be posted on the MDEQ and Michigan Natural Shoreline Partnership websites as having completed the Certified Natural Shoreline Professional training.
- Participants in the class will also receive in-depth training on State of Michigan’s permit requirements and process for soft shoreline construction.
Training Course Dates/Locations:
CLASSROOM: East Lansing, MI – Mar. 6 & 7, 2018
EXAM/FIELD: Paw Paw, MI – June 13, 2018
To participate in the 2018 MCNSP training event, download an application by clicking here , or you may register on-line by clicking here