The Michigan Waterfront Alliance (“MWA”) was created by officials of the Michigan Lakes & Streams Association, Inc. (“MLSA”) over 20 years ago as an adjunct organization to MLSA. For a variety of legal and other reasons, MWA was established to pursue lobbying and similar activities.
Regrettably, MLSA and MWA have lately had deep philosophical and other disagreements. You may have recently received an email communication from MWA via Scott Brown and Bob Frye regarding that dispute. Unfortunately, MWA has decided to “air its dirty laundry” in public. MLSA has not done so. Suffice it to say that there are always two sides to every dispute, and MLSA does not agree with many of the claims made in MWA’s recent email newsletter.
MLSA will attempt to resolve its differences with MWA “within the family” and will not try to make a public spectacle out of any disagreements.