Eric Calabro, Inland Lakes Analyst, with the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) discussed aquatic plant control activities that fall under regulation of EGLE’s Resource Program. EGLE’s Resource Program implements Part 301, Inland Lakes and Streams, Part 303, Wetlands Protection, and Part 325, Great Lakes Submerged Lands of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act 1994 PA 451, as amended. Some physical and mechanical plant control activities including DASH, benthic barriers, weed rollers, aqua/muck blasters, dredging, rotovation are regulated and require a permit through EGLE’s Resource Program. Eric discussed the importance of native aquatic plants, minimizing impacts of shoreline projects, and using selective control methods for aquatic invasive species. He stressed the importance of using best management practices such as containing fragments appropriately for each species, completely containing turbidity until sediment has settled, removing all AIS fragments and decontaminating before leaving site and entering a new waterbody.
Nearshore habitat loss is the number one threat to Michigan’s lakes, and cumulative impacts of shoreline development can impact the functions and values of your lake, so please exercise your riparian rights responsibly!
Water Resources Division Power Point from the original session
EGLE Q&A Follow Up session on 8/17/2021
Aquatic Nuisance Control Power Point from Q&A session
Aquatic Plant Permitting Power Point from Q&A session