Editor’s Note: This is from a letter shared with us by Shavehead Lake regarding the permit for their round up program, thank you to the board of Shavehead Lake Association for sharing this information. The USDA and DNR provided additional information as well.
Last year, the Canada Goose Round Up Program was cancelled because of the detection of High Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) H5N1 in wild birds in the state. The disease has continued to persist in wild birds and mammals throughout the state and there continues to be cases in backyard poultry flocks. Avian influenza is a virus that can infect wild birds and both free-ranging and domestic poultry such as chickens, turkeys, quail and geese.
With HPAI still present in the state, it presents a clear and important threat to wildlife and domestic poultry facilities. The Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is cancelling the Canada Goose Round Up Program for 2023 because of the risk of transporting HPAI around the state with the relocation of Canada geese.
The DNR has notified Canada goose contractors and past Round Up Program participants of the cancellation. Any Round Up (Capture) and Hold Canada Geese Permit Applications and associated fees that have already been submitted will not be processed. Similar to 2022, the DNR will make very limited exceptions for round up in approved situations where there are elevated human health and safety concerns, however any birds rounded up under these exceptions will be euthanized.
The DNR continues to encourage Canada goose nest and egg destruction to resolve conflicts and is again waiving geographic eligibility requirements. Permits are required for this activity however there are no fees associated with these permits. Please be aware that nest and egg destruction does require online training to be completed.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention continues to consider the risk to people from HPAI viruses to be low. The DNR continues to work closely with the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development; Michigan Department of Health and Human Services; U.S. Departments of Agriculture, Veterinary Services (USDA, VS) and Wildlife Services (USDA, WS); and Michigan State University to monitor health of poultry, livestock, wildlife and residents in Michigan. If you notice the death of three or more wild birds, please report it to DNR through the Eyes in Field App or at 517-336-5030.
If you have questions, please contact MI.goose.permits@usda.gov. You may also direct questions about the Canada Goose Program to Barbara Avers, Waterfowl and Wetland Specialist, at aversb@michigan.gov.
For more information, please visit:
Michigan.gov/AvianInfluenza or Michigan.gov/AvianDiseases.