Registration is now open for the annual Fall Lunch and Learn Seminar sponsored by the Michigan Chapter, North American Lake Management Society. The session will be held on Friday, December 5. This year’s speaker is Dr. Jeffrey M. Reutter, Director of the Ohio Sea Grant College Program, F.T. Stone Laboratory, and Center for Lake Erie Area Research (CLEAR) at the Ohio State University. He will address Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in Lake Erie and Inland Lakes, the drinking water incident that occurred in Toledo, Ohio earlier this year, and the relationship between nutrients and HABs. The title of his presentation is: “Nutrient Loading and Harmful Algal Blooms in Lake Erie and Inland Lakes: Concerns for Water Supplies.”
The session will begin with a buffet luncheon, beginning at 11:45 AM followed by the presentation. The location is 136 Brody Hall on the west side of the Michigan State University campus. To find Brody Hall, go to the MSU Interactive Map and use the search function to find Brody Hall. Parking is available across the street at the Kellogg Center Garage or at metered spaces behind Brody.
Registration is $20 ($15 for full-time students) and includes both the luncheon and presentation. You can register on line at: (scroll down to the announcement on the left hand side of the page or click here to register) or register by mail by sending a check made out to Michigan State University and mailing it to the Institute of Water Research, 1405 S. Harrison Ave., Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48823. For further information, call 517-353-9222 or email your questions to: