
Excerpt from a MI Environment Article, see link below

Check out the new Michigan Shoreland Stewards Video Series that focuses on helping inland lake property owners understand what they can do on their property to protect their inland lake. The videos are designed to provide an overview of the program and help people identify best practices to maintain clean, safe water for recreation and wildlife.

The Michigan Shoreland Stewards Program is a voluntary web-based survey designed to:

  • Allow inland lake property owners to assess their property management.
  • Encourage property owners to use natural shoreland landscaping techniques.
  • Provide educational resources to help property owners manage their property for a healthy lake.

Qualifying properties are awarded a Gold, Silver, or Bronze level of recognition.

Watch the video series here:  https://youtu.be/4DqZJCGuyEU

Full article here:  https://www.michigan.gov/mienvironment/0,9349,7-385-93394-510373–,00.html

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