by Melissa DeSimone, MLSA Executive Director
In our last newsletter we acknowledged that we have a new term of legislators that have now settled into their committee positions and are starting to work their priority issues through the legislative process. On your behalf, MLSA has drafted introductory letters for both the house and senate members on key committees that deal with water and environmental issues. A screen shot of that letter, which we personalized for each senator and representative, can be found above.
We encourage you to also take the initiative to write personal letters to the elected officials representing you. Now is the time to share your priorities with these legislators. As we work on legislation and talk with people about the priorities of riparians around the state, it is helpful that lawmakers are familiar with the issues important to water protection and restoration. When we bring boat wake concerns and possible legislation to the Michigan House Committee on Natural Resources and Outdoor Recreation, for example, it is important that our conversation is not the first time they are hearing about the issue. It will mean so much more if someone in their district has already brought the issue to their attention.
Take this time to be proactive with us so we can make progress during this legislative session. We will continue to keep you updated as legislation of concern is raised as we have historically done in this newsletter.