The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is the state regulatory agency responsible for the issuance of permits for various projects that may impact Michigan’s environment. Various divisions within the DEQ issue a wide variety of permits annually as required by state statute and/or based on agency requirements to grant authority to conduct certain activities.
ML&SA members may be interested in searching for and viewing various permits issued to conduct projects on or near coastal areas or inland waterways, including inland lakes and streams. The Coastal and Inland Waters Permit Information System (CIWPIS) is an on‐line resource maintained by the DEQ that allows users to conduct specific searches for permits issued within their area. The system allows searches to be conducted using the date, county, township, name of permit applicant and/or affected waterbody name. The site also allows users to search for and view upcoming public hearings and newly received permit applications. To view the DEQ CIWPIS on‐line system, visit