For Michigan’s local government officials, and/or for the legends of “lake-lovers” in our midst that may be interested in learning more about the important, though significantly under served role of local governments in contributing to the management and protection of Michigan’s priceless treasure of inland lakes, you’ll want to download and/or otherwise glean a copy of the recently released publication entitled “Protecting Michigan’s Inland Lakes: A Guide for Local Governments”. Published by the Michigan Natural Shoreline Partnership, a Michigan Department of Environmental Quality Water Resources Division led public/private collaborative initiative launched in 2008 in order to promote natural shoreline landscaping to protect Michigan’s inland lakes, the six chapter, thirty seven page guidebook was designed “to help local officials and concerned citizens understand the benefits of inland lakes to communities, the regulations that govern inland lakes, and the opportunities for protecting them at the local level.” The well written and nicely illustrated contents of the guidebook provides readers with a variety of inland lake protection techniques that range from simple enforcement of existing inland lakes protection statutes to local development and implementation of more comprehensive lake protection focused ordinances.
The newly released lake protection focused guidebook is now available for download from the Michigan Natural Shoreline Partnership’s Shoreline Resources webpage found at (along with a variety of many other helpful resources), or you may download the guidebook directly by pointing your internet browser toward
For those less comfortable with the internet, the guidebook is also available in printed form from the Michigan Lake and Stream Associations Central Office by contacting For more information about the Michigan Natural Shoreline Partnership, please contact Ms. Julia Kirkwood at