Michigan Shoreland Stewards Program
Please read this entire page carefully before proceeding to the sign purchase page.
The Michigan Shoreland Stewards Program provides recognition for lakefront property owners who are protecting inland lakes through best management practices on their property.
A Michigan Shoreland Steward sign is intended to provide recognition for lakefront property owners who are protecting their lake through shoreland best management practices. A recognition sign is only intended for registered participants with properties that have qualified through the MI Shoreland Stewards survey.
To register and see if your property qualifies to be recognized as a Shoreland Steward property take the survey available at mishorelandstewards.org
For lakefront property owners who have successfully completed the survey and whose shorelands have qualified for some level of recognition based on the certificate of recognition that was produced, please read the following descriptions (below) of the various qualification levels to help you determine which recognition sign you should order.
GOLD: A property at this level will have the most natural of conditions with high levels of natural vegetation with very little lawn. Buildings may be difficult to see from the lake. It will not have a seawall. Aquatic plants will be in the lake (where they would naturally exist), stormwater runoff is not directly getting to the lake or causing any erosion problems. Access to the lake has been minimized.
SILVER: A property at this level will have high levels of natural vegetation and will not have a seawall. Though there may be more lawn than at the Gold level. Stormwater runoff is not getting directly to the lake or causing erosion problems. Erosion at the shoreline is managed in a lake healthy manner. Access to the lake has been minimized.
BRONZE: A property at this level may or may not have a seawall. If there is a seawall best management practices are being used to reduce the negative impacts of seawalls. This property will have natural vegetation but may also have more lawn than a property at the silver or gold levels. Stormwater runoff has been minimized and is not causing erosion problems. Access to the lake has been minimized.
The Michigan Shoreland Steward recognition signs are:
- .080″ high grade aluminum panel
- Decorated with a digital print with UV laminate.
- Bordered with a Color: Gold, Silver or Bronze to correspond to your specific qualification level.
The signs may be placed in your yard or other locations of your choice. There are 3 sizes to choose from and each comes with pre-drilled mounting holes, in gold, silver, and bronze colors. All prices include shipping. Please allow up to 4 weeks for delivery.