

Dear Michigan Lake and Stream Associations, Members and Friends:THIS IS A CALL TO ACTION

Your inland lake, pond, stream and associated waterway may already, or soon could be, seriously impacted by Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS)! The rate of AIS infestations in Michigan have not shown a decline over the last decade, despite communications, educational efforts and studies. In view of the increasingly grim condition of our lakes and waterways, the Board of the Michigan Waterfront Alliance has resolved to take on a daunting task: The improvement of State of Michigan policies and laws concerning the identification, confirmation, protection and management of AIS in our critical inland lakes and waterways. Our focus will be on:  Development of a fair, shared cost burden to manage inland lakes  Confirming AIS has had negative impacts to the MI environment and economy  Identify and Advocate for real solutions to remedy the “Pathways” for infestation  Effect real changes in the DNR, DEQ, Michigan Waterways Commission, other groups, and the Michigan Legislature.

To help your Michigan Waterfront Alliance and its lobbyist convince the Michigan legislature of the need to be more pro-active in response to the increasingly widespread aquatic invasive species problem, the Michigan Waterways Commission, the MDNR and Governor Snyder to take action now. Your mission is to download, complete and  sign the Michigan Waterfront Alliance resolution  Alliance Lobbyist:

Karoub Associates
c/o  Matt Kurta
121 W Allegan St.
Lansing MI 48933

It is vital that we have the support of as many of individuals and Lake and Stream Associations as possible!! Informal contact with key members of the State Legislature and Agencies have signaled their willingness to explore desired solutions once they are aware of the magnitude of interest by Michigan Property Owners and organized groups.

MWAI Website Image jpegTo download a copy of the MWA resolution, click here

Please complete the following steps in order to successfully contribute to the effort:

1. Download the resolution by clicking on the link above.

2. Print out the document.

3. Complete and sign the form on behalf of your lake association.

4. Mail the completed form to the address appearing at the bottom of
the second page.

Created by members of the Board of Directors of Michigan Lake and Stream Associations, Inc. in the late 1990’s in order to formally lobby on behalf of the interests of lake and stream property owners associations in Michigan, Michigan Waterfront Alliance, Inc. (MWAI) is a volunteer based non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and protection of Michigan water resources.

State announces $3.6 million in available grant funding to target invasive species
Proposed Debilitating Cuts to USEPA and Elimination of Waters of the United States Regulatory Protections are Ill Advised