
 Save the Dates!

Be an Important Part of Michigan History!

Plan on Attending the First Ever Michigan Inland Lakes Convention

Michigan Lake and Stream Associations is proud of the fact that we have conducted fifty two consecutive annual conferences. To promote and support the broad interests of our various collaborative partners, however, our 2014 annual conference will be rolled into the overall context of a first ever Michigan Inland Lakes Convention.

 Save the Dates!

Michigan Inland Lakes Convention

Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May 1 – 3, 2014

Boyne Mountain Resort in Boyne Falls, Michigan

Conducted under the auspices of the Michigan Inland Lakes Partnership, an initiative created in 2008 to promote collaboration to advance stewardship of Michigan’s inland lakes,several public and private agencies and organizations, including Michigan Lake and Stream Associations, will join forces to offer two and one half days of inland lakes focused open sessions, workshops and a wide array of topic specific breakout sessions designed to appeal to a wide range of personal and professional interests. 

Activities traditionally associated with the Michigan Lake and Stream Associations annual conference such as our annual banquet, our annual review of riparian rights and water law, our awards ceremony, silent auction and the 50-50 raffle will be conducted as usual within the larger context of the overall convention. 

To learn more about the first ever Michigan Inland Lakes Convention, visit the Michigan Inland Lakes Partnership website at   http://michiganlakes.msue.msu.edu  .

Information regarding the convention will be posted to this website as specific details become available later this fall and early winter. Look for more information regarding the convention in the Winter 2014 edition of The Michigan Riparian which will be out in late January or early February.





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