by Alisha Davidson, PhD
ML&SA Research and Development Coordinator
We know it can be difficult to find (and find contact information for) organizations such as local lake associations, drain commissioners, DEQ/DNR offices, land conservancies, and watershed councils. In an effort to assist members in finding answers to their water-related questions and concerns, and getting more involved in water resource management, ML&SA has developed the Michigan Directory of Lake Organizations. This directory allows members to search by a variety of fields, including county, lake, and type of organization.
This directory can be accessed by clicking here or by pasting the following link directly:
This directory is obviously not complete; we are almost certainly missing organizations. We are therefore asking members for their help – please search in your area and look for organizations such as lake associations we might be missing. For every organization you provide, you will be entered to win a one year subscription to The Michigan Riparian magazine. Winners will be drawn on Labor Day weekend. Please email Alisha Davidson at with new entries and/or feedback on the directory.