by Paul J Sniadecki, Board Member
We are pleased to announce that Hess Lake in Newaygo County has joined as the newest Lake Association member for MLSA. Hess is a 755 acre lake with 4 season attractions, and is one of the most visited lakes in Newaygo County. It has an easily accessible boat launch, dock, and parking areas. There is also year round fishing on Hess lake.
The Hess Lake Improvement Association also purchased 233 Lake Association subscriptions to THE MICHIGAN RIPARIAN magazine published by MLSA.
MLSA President Mike Gallagher, said, “we welcome Hess Lake to our growing list of members. Since we operate on a very tight budget, all memberships and magazine subscriptions are important funding sources for the work we do for all riparians in Michigan. The more memberships and subscriptions we receive will help us expand the work we do to protect the quality of Michigan’s water resources and protect riparian rights.”
Is your lake association a member of MLSA? Are you an individual member of MLSA? If not, please consider starting a membership today.