by Sharon Wagner
ML&SA Central Office Manager
It is with deep regret we share the sad news that Sue Vomish, ML&SA President, passed away following a long illness on June 29, 2014. Sue played a major role in ML&SA serving as both Board President and Regional Three Representative for many years. The reason many of the lake property owners in her area became ML&SA lake association members is due to her tireless efforts. Because of her passion, they continue to stay involved and committed to good stewardship. On behalf of the board and staff of both ML&SA and The Michigan Riparian, we would like to express our sincere condolences to Sue’s family. She was a tremendous leader, volunteer and friend. Our hearts are heavy. She will be greatly missed. A special tribute to Sue will be featured in our Fall 2014 issue of The Michigan Riparian. If you have a memory, picture or note to share for Sue’s tribute please email to: swagner@ mlswa.org no later than Sept 1, 2014.