by Melissa DeSimone, MLSA Executive Director
Michigan Lakes and Streams Association, Inc. is a non-profit, state-wide organization dedicated to the preservation, protection, and wise management of Michigan’s vast treasure of inland lakes.
In support of our mission, MLSA continues to evolve—our leadership team and board have taken many actions in the past year to improve our focus and outreach:
- Expanded our monthly newsletter and have our Executive Director manage this resource to make sure it is closely coordinated with The Michigan Riparian and all other MLSA initiatives.
- Created a survey of MLSA members to determine the status and challenges of aquatic invasive species you face on your lakes.
- Expanded outreach to other like minded organizations such as the Michigan Environmental Council and Sierra Club.
- Continued our close relationship with attorney Cliff Bloom so that members continue to receive excellent legal insights in our magazine and at the conference.
- Improved our political outreach and networking, focused on important topics such as CLMP funding and voicing support or opposition for state bills to protect our waters and riparian rights, this is led by our new president and his Michigan state rep experience.
- Ran a highly successful 2019 annual conference that attracted more than 250 attendees, 20 vendors, secured media coverage and support from the governor.
- Made a number of changes to shifting the focus of MLSA from operational to education, water protection, and riparian rights.
We have plans for the future too – an upgraded website, more opportunities for localized meetings, and more! We hope you will continue to support us and send us your suggestions for new initiatives important to you.