
By Paul J Sniadecki, MLSA Board Director


The MLSA Board of Directors met in June 2018 and took action to fill the organization’s Officer Positions pursuant to our organization’s By-Laws.

Mike Gallagher, Gull Lake, was elected as the new MLSA President, and John Wilks, Indian Lake, was elected as the new Vice-President.

Beth Cook, the current Board Treasurer, continues in that Officer position, as does Nancy Beckwith who continues as an Officer and Board Secretary.  The current term of office for all MLSA Officers extends through December 31, 2019.

Mike Gallagher has been a Riparian Property Owner since 1954, Long-term Board Member of the Gull Lake Quality Organization and the Four Townships Water Resources Council, and a Board Member on several Non-Profit organizations. Mike is also a 2015 graduate Michigan Lake and Stream Leaders Institute and a CLMP Volunteer since 2008.

John Wilks has been a Riparian Property Owner since 1984, President of the Indian Lake Association of Vicksburg from 2008-2014, and a CLMP Volunteer since 2004.  John earned a Ph.D. from Cornell University and is retired after serving 32 Years as a Research Scientist for drug discovery in the pharmaceutical industry.

The MLSA Board of Directors looks forward to the leadership and vision that these four well qualified Officers bring to the stewardship mission of MLSA.

Direct contact information for MLSA Officers and Board Directors can be located in the first few pages of THE RIPARIAN Magazine, published quarterly.

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