By Melissa DeSimone, MLSA Executive Director
At Michigan Lakes and Streams Association we LOVE our waterways but even this water loving group is concerned about the over abundance we are all experiencing right now. From hot media topics like tragic dam failure and the resulting large scale flooding to lower profile situations like underwater docks, we are seeing it all. Since we were unable to hold our annual conference this year, we pivoted to the 2020 Spring Webinar Series. This series featured experts in many different areas, notably we were joined by Jennfier McKay, policy director with Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council. Jennifer spoke in a session called “Rising Water Levels and Impacts on Inland Lakes” which included information about how high water affects septic systems and drinking water, among other important management considerations. You can watch this session as well as all our sessions on the MLSA YouTube channel.
Are you dealing with high water? MLSA would like to chronicle this historic year of water with your stories, experiences, and photos. Write down your story for us, send us some captioned pictures, or even record a video of your situation and send it to info@mymlsa.org If you aren’t sure where to start, you can choose to take a few minutes to answer some or all of these questions:
- Where are you located? Include the body of water and/or city/township/county.
- How would you describe your body of water?
- What concerns you most about the high water in your area?
- How is the water affecting the people and environment around you?
We would also like to see your photos, please include a credit that includes who took the photo, where it was taken, and the month, day, and year it was taken.
Thank you for your participation in this project!