We were so excited to see many of our members at the show in Grand Rapids the last weekend in March. We were able to talk with 326 total attendees over three days about Michigan Lakes and Streams Association and protecting the waters of our beautiful state. A big thank you to Heidi Needham, our membership coordinator, for her help all weekend. Pictured is our Executive Director, Melissa DeSimone with Attorney Cliff Bloom during his stop at the show. We were also visited by MLSA president, David Maturen and MLSA Board Director, Paul Sniadecki.
This show is a great opportunity to reach out to new lake and stream property owners who can help us to preserve and protect our inland waters. Next time you meet a riparian, ask them if they know about Michigan Lakes and Streams Association and sign them up to receive The Michigan Riparian magazine. The best way to accomplish our mission is together.