Life Below the Surface, a Dip into the Hidden World of Algae
Thursday, June 24, 2021 from 12:00 PM to 1:15 PM
Part two of a three-part VIRTUAL education and information series for those living on or recreating in our local lakes and waterways. Developed by: Friends of Spider Lake and Rennie Lake, Michigan. Hosted by: Grand Traverse Conservation District
“Life Below The Surface, A Dip Into The Hidden World of Algae” presented by Ann St. Amand, Ph.D., CLP, President PhycoTech, Inc.
Algae are a critical part of our lake and stream ecosystems, yet they remain an enigma. They provide a host of ecosystem services from providing us with oxygen to breath to food for the insects and zooplankton that feed the fry of our most cherished sport fish. Yet, we struggle with defining their complicated life forms and inter-related function within the environment. Join Ann St. Amand for a tour of the complicated and beautiful world of algae. She’ll cover the most common algal types, how they commonly function in lakes, and what you are likely to find in the Northwestern Lower Peninsula.
Cost: FREE
Registration: Required. Please click here to register