
The third annual Shoreline and Shallows Conference, a program of the Michigan Natural Shoreline Partnership (MNSP), will be presented Wednesday, March 6, 2013 at Michigan State University’’s Kellogg Center. Titled “Natural Shorelines and the Habitat Connection,” the one-day conference will highlight lake shore habitats, shoreline restoration and habitat improvement, plant selection and design with fluctuating lake levels, high energy sites, and the current status of the natural shoreline demonstration sites installed as part of the Certified Natural Shoreline Professional (CNSP) certification training. The cost to attend is $35, which includes lunch and coffee breaks. Three CNSP continuing education units are available for attending this conference. Conference co-sponsors, in addition to the MNSP, include the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, Water Resources Division; Institute of Water Research, Michigan State University; MSU Extension Greening Michigan Institute; Michigan Lake and Stream Associations, Inc., and the Michigan Chapter, North American Lake Management Society. For more information, contact Lois Wolfson, MSU Institute of Water Research at wolfson1@msu.edu or 517-353-9222. Click here for a complete conference agenda and a link to registering for the conference.

Governor Signs Bill to End “Pop-up” Property Tax Increase for Close Relatives