Michigan Lake and Stream Associations is proud of the fact that we have conducted fifty two consecutive annual conferences. However, in order to promote and support the broad interests of our various collaborative partners, the previously scheduled venue and dates for our 2014 annual conference have been integrated within the overall concept of a first ever Michigan Inland Lakes Convention.
Michigan Inland Lakes Convention
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May 1 – 3, 2014
Boyne Mountain Resort in Boyne Falls, Michigan
Conducted under the auspices of the Michigan Inland Lakes Partnership, an initiative created in 2008 to promote collaboration to advance stewardship of Michigan’s inland lakes, several public and private agencies and organizations, including the Michigan Chapter, North American Lake Management Society, the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Michigan State University Extension, the Michigan Natural Shoreline Partnership and Michigan Lake and Stream Associations, will join forces to offer two and one half days of inland lakes focused open sessions, workshops and a wide array of topic specific breakout sessions designed to appeal to a wide range of personal and professional interests.
Activities traditionally associated with the Michigan Lake and Stream Associations annual conference such as our annual banquet, our annual review of riparian rights and water law, our awards ceremony, silent auction and the 50-50 raffle will be conducted as usual within the larger context of the overall convention.
Please also note that MiCorps Cooperative Lakes Monitoring Program volunteer monitor training will be held on Thursday, May 1st, 2014 from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM and on Friday, May 2nd, 2014 from 1:00 to 4:00 PM. Cooperative Lakes Monitoring Program volunteer water quality monitors with questions regarding the 2014 training sessions should contact Ms. Jean Roth, ML&SA CLMP Administrator, at 989.257.3715 or via e-mail at jroth@mlswa.org .
The inaugural Michigan Inland Lakes Convention promises to be an outstanding opportunity for members of Michigan Lake and Stream Associations and/or readers of The Michigan Riparian to learn more about the science and management of their favorite inland lake and to directly participate in open discussions focused on a number of important inland lake related topics including aquatic invasive species management, riparian rights and water law, preserving or restoring their natural shorelines and working effectively with their local government officials. These are just examples of the many inland lake topics that will be explored over the course of two and one half days at the Michigan Inland Lakes Convention.
For more information regarding the 2014 Michigan Inland Lakes Convention, please read the detailed article regarding the convention which will appear in the Winter 2014 edition of The Michigan Riparian magazine.
To register for the Michigan Inland Lakes Convention, point your browser toward the Michigan Inland Lakes Partnership website at http://michiganlakes.msue.msu.edu .