by Alisha Davidson, PhD
ML&SA Research and Development Coordinator
Until recently, past issues of the Riparian were available at The Michigan Riparian website ( but did not have a search function to find specific articles. As there is a diverse array of knowledge contained in these articles, we wanted to make this knowledge easier to find for our members. As such, we have assigned each issue keywords that are searchable using the search box in the “Archives” page: just enter in your search term, and the issue(s) with the relevant article will be displayed. Download the issue, and scan through until you see the appropriate article (due to resource and logistical constraints, separating out each article wasn’t possible). This feature is available for issues dating back to 1990 and includes articles on common topics such as road ends and Eurasian watermilfoil control, to less common topics such as descriptions of native turtles and lake classifications. See if your lake is featured in any of the articles – or check out the articles on Michigan’s most picturesque waterfalls. If you can’t find the topic you are looking for, suggest the idea to Alisha Davidson (ML&SA’s Research and Development Coordinator). She will look to find any existing articles – and if there aren’t any – perhaps write one! She can be reached at