
The magazine is currently on the presses and there are many references to website, past articles, and other important information to share. If you have the magazine the following information will help you follow the references from each article with a simple click. If you don’t have the magazine, you can click on the one above to read a digital version with your MLSA membership. Don’t have a membership? That’s ok! You can join today and to read the digital copy now and receive the next four issues in the mail too. Your membership helps us to bring you this content and also provide continuing support, events, and education throughout the year. Coming soon: an enhanced digital magazine experience, stay tuned for more!

Featured Water – The Clinton River

Clinton River Watershed Explorer: https://iwr.msu.edu/clintonriver/

Volunteer with the Clinton River Watershed Council: https://www.crwc.org/events/volunteer/keeping-it-clean

This feature was brought to us by Lois Wolfson, MSU Institute of Water Research in the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife. Lois will be retiring at the end of the summer, to read about her full career of important work, check out this article: 2018 Distinguished Academic Staff Awards. Thanks to Lois for all she has contributed to freshwater research!

Attorney Writes – Which Ordinance?

In this article, Cliff Bloom references five previous articles on the problem of boats anchoring at a sandbar or shallow area offshore where the occupants are partying for hours. Here are those articles:

Extinguishing Unwanted and Unused Roads, Alleys, and Parks (and other Assorted Lake Issues)” (Fall, 2022)

Unusual (But Potentially Helpful) Local Municipal Regulations” (Fall, 2012)

Mooring One’s Boat Over the Riparian Bottomlands of Another” (Winter, 2018)

I Can No Longer Even Enjoy My Lake…” (Winter, 2016)

Twixt the Water and the Land” (Summer, 2018)

Throwback Article

Original Fall 1983 Issue of The Michigan Riparian, the message 40 years ago.

Forest to MI Faucet Program of Michigan DNR

Program Website: Mi.gov/ForestToMiFaucet

Design ideas, native plant lists and trained landscapers can be found at ShorelinePartnership.org

Planting trees near water or placing dead wood into the lake (EGLE permit required) provides great fish habitat – see ForestsForFish.org

Related Webinar from the Drinking Water: Protecting MI Source Webinar Series

“Healthy Forests Protect Your Drinking Water” held on May 23, 2023, recording link

Healthy Lakes and Proper Land Use: A Critical Recipe for Lake Protection

Proper septic system and drain field maintenance and repair: https://www.epa.gov/septic

Low Impact Development (LID): https://www.epa.gov/nps/urban-runoff-low-impact-development

Soil Testing Kits from MSU: https://homesoiltest.msu.edu/

Michigan Natural Shoreline Partnership: https://www.shorelinepartnership.org/

Guide to Composting: https://www.compostguide.com/using-leaves-for-composting/

Types of wetlands, function, and importance: https://www.epa.gov/wetlands

MDNR on Goose Control

62nd Annual Conference Recap

Slides from Presentations

2023 Riparian of the Year: Rusty Gowland Video

MDNR Officially Releases Boat Wake Report: Fisheries Division, Report 37 is better than ever
Permits… What’s up with EGLE permits?