by Melissa DeSimone, MLSA Executive Director
At our Southwest Michigan regional meeting, a great question came up: Who are all the conservation organizations around the state and what do they do? In education we would call all the acronyms for various programs and entities “alphabet soup”. I am here to shed some light on this alphabet soup by making a list of organizations and terms you might want to know about. So here we go…we’ll start with an easy one!
MLSA – Michigan Lakes and Streams Association – That’s us! A non-profit, state-wide organization dedicated to the preservation, protection and wise management of Michigan’s vast treasure of inland lakes and streams.
AIS – Aquatic Invasive Species – An invasive species is one that is not native and whose introduction causes harm, or is likely to cause harm to Michigan’s economy, environment, or human health.
CBCW – Clean Boats Clean Water – Volunteers protect Michigan’s water resources by educating boaters about invasive species found on their recreational watercraft by showing boaters how to inspect their boats, trailers and gear for invasive species, then demonstrate the removal process.
CD – Conservation Districts – Local units of government of the state with a common mission of protecting and enhancing the soil, water, forestry and habitat resources on working lands across Michigan’s 83 counties.
CISMA – Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area – Group of non-profit and government agencies, businesses and volunteers that have come together to tackle the issue of invasive species in their region.
DNR – Michigan Department of Natural Resources – Responsible for conservation, protection, management, use and enjoyment of the state’s natural and cultural resources for current and future generations.
EGLE – Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy – The department’s mission is to protect Michigan’s environment and public health by managing air, water, land, and energy resources.
EGLE MiWaters – EGLE Permitting & Compliance Website – Comment on, read about, and apply for permits for NPDES, Groundwater, Resource Permitting, Aquatic Nuisance Control, Wastewater Construction.
EGLE WRD – EGLE Water Resources Division – Protects and monitors Michigan’s waters – swimmable, fishable, fish safe to eat, and healthy aquatic ecosystems.
FLOW – For Love of Water – Mission to protect the common waters of the Great Lakes Basin through public trust solutions.
MACD – Michigan Association of Conservation Districts – Michigan’s 75 Conservation Districts (CDs) are the local providers of Natural Resource management services.
MACDC – Michigan Association of County Drain Commissioners – Michigan’s drain commissioners, sometimes called water resources commissioners, administer laws involving flood protection, storm-water management, and soil erosion and seek to protect Michigan’s water resources in the process.
MAEOE – Michigan Alliance for Environmental and Outdoor Education – Serving as the statewide network and advocate for professionals who are educating Michigan citizens toward environmental literacy, stewardship and outdoor recreation.
MAMA – Michigan Aquatic Managers Association – Dedicated to the professional management of Michigan’s aquatic resources.
MAPMS – Midwest Aquatic Plant Management Society – Providing information and assistance required by those who work with the unique ecological, sociological economic and regulatory concerns associated with managing aquatic plants in lake systems affected by exotic species, nutrient pollution, use conflicts and intense recreational demands.
MBIA – Michigan Boating Industries Association – Non-profit trade association dedicated to the promotion, protection and advancement of the recreational boating industry in Michigan.
McNALMS – Michigan Chapter North American Lake Management Society – Promoting understanding and comprehensive management of Michigan’s inland lake ecosystems.
MEC – Michigan Environmental Council – a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and a coalition of nearly 70 organizations created in 1980 to lead Michigan’s environmental movement in achieving positive change through public policy solutions.
MGLP – Midwest Glacial Lakes Partnership – Working together to protect, rehabilitate, and enhance sustainable fish habitats in glacial lakes of the Midwest for the use and enjoyment of current and future generations.
MichiganLCV – Michigan League of Conservation Voters – Nonpartisan political organization in Michigan protecting land, air, and water.
MiCorps – Michigan Clean Water Corps – a network of volunteer water quality monitoring programs in Michigan, created through Michigan Executive Order #2003-15 to assist Michigan EGLE in collecting and sharing water quality data for use in water resources management and protection programs.
MILP – Michigan Inland Lakes Partnership – Made up of a broad range of organizations and agencies that have a common interest – protecting inland lakes.
MILC – Michigan Inland Lakes Convention – Every two years we bring together lake enthusiasts, researchers, managers, and educators.
MISIN – Midwest Invasive Species Information Network – A regional effort to develop and provide early detection and response resources for invasive species.
MiSS – Michigan Shoreland Stewards Program – A statewide program to recognize lakefront property owners for maintaining shoreland property in a manner that reduces negative impacts on inland lakes.
MNA – Michigan Nature Association – Acquires protects and maintains natural areas in Michigan.
MNSP – Michigan Natural Shoreline Partnership – Protecting Michigan lakes through conservation and restoration of natural shorelines.
MSUE – Michigan State University Extension – Helps people improve their lives by bringing the vast knowledge resources of MSU directly to individuals, communities and businesses.
IWR at MSU – Institute of Water Research at MSU – Developing science-based technology, research, educational programs, and partnerships to help understand and address critical water issues.
MTA – Michigan Townships Association – Advances local democracy by fostering township leadership and public policy essential for a strong and vibrant Michigan.
Michigan TU – Michigan Trout Unlimited – The coordination and representation for 20 local chapters of TU and over 8,000 individuals, devoted to the conservation, protection and restoration of Michigan’s cold-water fish and their watersheds.
MUCC – Michigan United Conservation Club – Uniting citizens to conserve, protect and enhance Michigan’s natural resources and outdoor heritage.
RIPPLE – Reduce Invasive Pet and Plant Escapes – Working with aquarium and water garden owners and retailers to ensure Michigan’s waterways are protected against invasive species.
SWMLC – Southwest Michigan Land Conservancy – Improves natural habitats, protects water quality, supports biodiversity, and connects people with nature.
TNC – The Nature Conservancy (in Michigan) – A global environmental nonprofit working to create a world where people and nature can thrive.
Watershed Councils – Find a list of Michigan’s watershed councils here.
Did I miss one? Email me at so I can add it!