
By Melissa DeSimone, MLSA Executive Director

We continue to stay informed for you through our partnership with the MEC (Michigan Environmental Council) and quarterly meetings with the Water Resources Division of EGLE. On July 7th, our President, Dave Maturen, and I attended the most recent meeting that addressed a series of important issues. EGLE officials addressed the limitations of their budget cuts requiring all staff to limit hours to 32 per week, the cuts have caused delays on permits and monitoring across the state. Despite the cuts, the department is expediting permits for high water control and shoreline protection (making up 90% of permits requested). Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council inquired about Line 5 issues and the permits for pipe replacement, concerns and questions about the pipeline and related permits were discussed. EGLE also stated that they are focusing on PFAS source control efforts at this time, the national pollution discharge elimination system (NPDES) permits are not yet including effluent limits or monitoring requirements.

Public Act 72 for High Water
Protecting Our Lakes & Shorelands Series Continues