The Midwest Glacial Lakes Partnership’s 2024 Lake Conservation Webinar Series rolls on with five webinars this fall. Check out the lineup below and register using the links provided. You can view the full list of webinars, register for the ones you want, and view recordings of past webinars on MGLP’s Lake Conservation Webinars webpage.
Learning from the past to manage inland lake fisheries for the future
Karen Alofs on October 8, 2024, at 2 PM EST
The seminar will highlight research that has used data from a collaborative project digitizing over a century of historical lake survey records from the Michigan DNR Institute for Fisheries Research. We are using these records to examine changes in fish growth and abundance, and the timing of mass mortality events. I will present examples which empirically test several predicted impacts of climate change across Michigan lakes.
Inland lake shoreline assessment and best management practices in Michigan
Eric Calabro on October 15, 2024, at 2 PM EST
This presentation will review the Inland Lake Shoreline Energy Assessment Tool. The goal of this new tool is to educate the user on important inland lake shoreline characteristics and to provide a standardized approach for Michigan users to evaluate the erosive potential of an inland lake shoreline. Assessing an inland lake shoreline is important for selecting an appropriate shoreline protection design that minimizes impacts to inland lake resources. Some example best practices for shoreline protection will be highlighted.
The National Lakes Assessment: A collaborative survey of lakes in the United States
Lareina Guenzel on October 22, 2024, at 2 PM EST
This presentation will share information about the National Lakes Assessment (NLA), which is conducted in collaboration with states, tribes, other federal agencies and partners every five years as a component of the US EPA National Aquatic Resource Surveys (NARS). These statistical surveys sample and estimate the condition of the Nation’s different water body types on a rotating basis. The NLA reports on the condition of our nation’s lakes, ponds, and reservoirs. To be included in the survey, the water body has to be >1 hectare, > 1 meter deep and > 0.1 hectare of open water. In 2022, 80 field crews collected chemical, physical and biological data from 981 lakes for the fourth lakes survey. The 2022 survey also included the resampling of 153 lakes that were originally sampled in the 1970’s as part of the National Eutrophication Study and a U.S. Forest Service intensification that increased the number of lakes sampled in the Northern Lakes and Forest Ecoregion. This webinar will provide an overview of NLA, results from the fourth field season, and NARS/NLA data tools.
Basics of shoreline erosion control: New documents to help in design and management
Julia Kirkwood and Jen Buchanan on October 29, 2024, at 2 PM EST
Bioengineering can offer a nature-based solution on lake shorelines for controlling erosion, adding beauty, and providing habitat for fishes, birds, and other fauna. However, reference materials for professionals conducting lakeshore bioengineering projects and for homeowners seeking to have them installed are lacking. This presentation will introduce two new MGLP-produced reference documents for professionals and homeowners that help build the foundation for understanding what is happening at the shoreline and provide some basic design tips for dealing with erosion across a range of environmental conditions.
MGLP Lake Conservation Grant: Information for potential applicants
Joe Nohner on December 10, 2024, at 2 PM EST
Each Fall, the Midwest Glacial Lakes Partnership advertises the request for proposals to its Lake Conservation Grant. Do you have a conservation, assessment, or outreach project that would benefit glacial lakes in the partnership? Would you like to learn more about the types of projects the MGLP is seeking, past successes, and technical details for grant submission? This informational session will provide an overview of Lake Conservation Grant success stories, the grant proposal process, and grant implementation. There will also be plenty of opportunity to ask your own questions about the grant program during this session.