CLMP in 2020 – Stay Tuned…
We received this message from EGLE on January 14, 2020: “MiCorps is a network of volunteer water quality monitoring programs in Michigan created by former Governor Granholm under Michigan Executive Order #2003-15 to assist the Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) in collecting and sharing water quality data. Initial funding for the MiCorps program was provided through the Clean Michigan Initiative (CMI) bond; however, due to the exhaustion of these CMI funds, MiCorps has dealt with uncertainty in the past few years while trying to find another long-term funding source.
EGLE is proud to announce that funding has been secured from Renew Michigan Initiative in order to create a new five-year contract for the MiCorps program. Due to the timing of acquiring this funding and the necessary transition to initiate a new contract, the Cooperative Lakes Monitoring Program (CLMP) will not be able to be funded in 2020, but will return in 2021.
The CLMP and the Volunteer Stream Monitoring Program (VSMP) will both be included in the new contract. MiCorps is excited to build on this fantastic program by updating the long-term database and website along with reinstating stream macroinvertebrate grants.
MiCorps would like to thank all the volunteers for your support of the program.”
A follow up from MLSA: The MiCorps partner organizations – other than EGLE – are exploring ways to maintain some limited volunteer lake monitoring during this transition year. We will be offering monitoring opportunities in 2020 but we only just receive this news from EGLE so we will announce our plans for this year as soon as possible.
Please stay tuned, we will have more information soon!