To download the fall 2015 edition of the MLPA Newsletter, click here
Hello and thank you for being a MLPA member.
The golden days of Autumn are here, and soon our loons will have all flown to warmer climes. As we wind down this 2015 loon season, we already are thinking ahead and planning for next year. Loon Ranger reports are coming in and we are tallying the results of Michigan’s loon nesting success this year. So, Loon Rangers, remember to return your lake reports before you fly south or bundle up your cottage for spending winter on your ice-bound lakes. Thank you!
Highlights of this Loon Echoes:
An unforgettable summer
An old question
Clean lakes attract loons
Dear Auntie: How many loon lakes are there and how many loons are on those lakes now.
Where can I see loons?
A fateful day
Also attached is our loon mercantile. It is full of great goodies and just in time for Christmas!
Autumn is also time for renewals. We have added a spot to our store where you can renew online. Click over to to renew today.
Also make sure you find us on Facebook and tell us all about your summer with the loons. We love hearing your stories and seeing your pictures.
We appreciate you being a MLPA member and helping us in saving our Michigan Loons.
Michigan Loon Preservation Association and Michigan Loonwatch
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