MI Natural Shoreline Partnership Prepares Contractors to Work at the Water’s Edge.
Learning Lake Friendly Methods to Restore Lakefront Shorelines.
The Michigan Natural Shoreline Partnership, a highly successful Department of Environmental Quality led collaborative initiative whose mission is to promote natural shoreline landscaping to protect Michigan’s inland lakes, has now trained and certified nearly one hundred marine and landscape contractors from around the state to work at the water’s edge.
Michigan Certified Natural Shoreline Professionals are certified by successfully completing three days of classroom instruction, passing a comprehensive written examination and by completing a “hands-on” natural shoreline construction project. Shoreline professionals are qualified to offer potential clients lake-friendly, environmentally sound shoreline management solutions.
Before you make a decision regarding the installation of a seawall, please consider consulting a Michigan Certified Natural Shoreline Professional to find out about lake friendly and attractive shoreline stabilization alternatives. To locate a Certified Natural Shoreline Professional serving your area, visit the MNSP web site at www.mishorelinepartnership.org