by Melissa DeSimone, MLSA Executive Director
I want to take a moment to make the case for the Michigan Lakes and Streams Association in your annual giving plans. There are many worthy humanitarian causes to give to each year and sometimes it is easy to overlook giving to an organization that primarily works toward a better environment. I hope you will catch a glimpse of the water right outside your door and consider a donation this year. We have exciting plans to expand our capacity to assist associations with grant administration and are working on the creation of new (and more beautiful) educational resources. Here are some options you have and steps to take when giving to any qualified charity, like MLSA 🙂
- Consider Your Giving Options:
- Qualified charitable distribution (QCD): A QCD is a tax-free transfer of funds from an IRA to a charity. QCDs can be made by IRA owners who are at least 70 1/2 years old. QCDs can be used to satisfy some or all of an IRA owner’s required minimum distribution (RMD) for the year.
- Bequest: Include a gift to MLSA in your will or trust. This can be a specific amount, a percentage of your estate, or what remains after other expenses.
- Charitable Remainder Trust: Set up a trust that provides you or your loved ones with income during your lifetime. After your passing, the remaining funds go to our nonprofit.
- Charitable Lead Trust: Establish a trust that provides us with income for a set period, with the remaining funds going to your heirs.
- Life Insurance Gift: Name our nonprofit as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy or transfer ownership to us.
- Retirement Plan Assets: Designate our nonprofit as a beneficiary of your retirement account (like an IRA or 401(k)).
- Donor-Advised Fund: Contribute to a fund managed by a sponsoring organization and recommend grants to us over time.
- Consult with Professionals:
- Talk to your financial advisor, estate planner, or attorney to determine the best giving option for your situation. They can help you understand the tax benefits and ensure your gift aligns with your financial plans.
- Inform Us of Your Gift:
- Once you’ve made your decision, let us know about your planned gift. This helps us prepare and properly acknowledge your generous contribution. You can reach out to me to discuss your plans at 989-831-5100.
- Enjoy the Benefits:
- Your planned gift may provide you with tax benefits, potential income, and peace of mind knowing that your support will make a lasting impact.
- Stay Engaged:
- We would love to keep you informed about our work and the difference your gift will make. Consider joining us for our annual conference too!
If I’ve convinced you to include us in your planned giving, we sincerely appreciate it. MLSA is going on 64 years of working with riparians like you for better water quality and we will continue to do so for many years to come. In the meantime, enjoy your water!
MLSA is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization your donation is tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.