The Practical Guide to Lakefront Living: Enjoying and Conserving Your Lake
Published with Michigan lakefront homeowners in mind, The Practical Guide to Lakefront Living: Enjoying and Conserving Your Lake, is a 78 page guidebook that covers an array of topics of interest to the stewardship minded riparian. Covering a wide range of topics including a basic primer on lake ecology, the benefits of native aquatic plants, natural shorelines , non-point source pollution, aquatic invasive species, conservation oriented fishing, e-coli and swimmers itch, riparian rights and water law, land conservancy, working with local government officials, and proper dock placement, as well as a discussion of special assessment districts and the role of lake associations in lake management, and many more timely and relevant topics, the guide is a must have for homeowners interested in preserving the ecological health and the economic value of their lake and their lakefront property.
This book is currently unavailable. We will be reprinting soon!