1 – Add the number of subscriptions you wish to purchase for your association members to your cart. This will allow you to make your purchase with a credit card. You may also mail a check made out to MLSA with this form to: MLSA, PO Box 19615, Kalamazoo, MI 49019
2 – *Important Step* Email your subscription list to: in the following format:
You must use Excel to set up your subscriber mailing list. If you cannot send an Excel format spreadsheet, please contact us for assistance at or 989-831-5100. The table below shows the exact order and name of headings your excel spreadsheet is required to have. You may download this spreadsheet template to help you organize the information correctly. We cannot guarantee magazine delivery if this information is incorrect or incomplete. The post office will not deliver to addresses with transposed house numbers, incorrect zip codes or if your street address requires SE, NW, etc
Use this format for subscribers who want to have a printed copy mailed to them:
Use this format for subscribers who want to receive an email with a link to the digital magazine:
3 – Deadlines for submitting subscriber lists: February 1 for the Spring issue, May 1 for the Summer issue, August 1 for the Fall issue, and November 1 for the Winter issue.