Additional Video Content – Enjoy!


Pre-vegetated Blankets and their uses from Greenline Synergy


Land Management Planning Webinar – Washtenaw County Conservation District
Interested in improving the management of your property? Then it is a good idea to have a plan going forward. In this webinar we cover Land Management Planning. We take a high level look at some key aspects that make a good plan and the steps you can take as a landowner to create your own!


Citizen Science Programs from the Detroit Zoological Society

FrogWatch USA – Citizen Science Program


Join the Michigan Butterfly Network


Budburst is a community-focused, data-driven approach to plant conservation. Join researchers, educators, and other community scientists to help answer important questions around the effects of climate change on plants and animals.


Michigan Shoreland Stewards 5 Part Video Series

The Shoreland Stewards Program was created to recognize inland lake property owners who are maintaining their property in a way that reduces negative impacts that development can have on inland lakes to ensure healthy lakes for future generations for both people and fish and wildlife. This will play all 5 of the videos in the series. Together we’ll explore the 4 Zones of your property and teach you how to be a Shoreland Steward. Find out more information at

Books you may enjoy

Blue Mind by Wallace J. Nichols

Beyond Walden by Robert M. Thorson

Using Native Plants to Restore Community in Southwest Michigan and Beyond by Nancy and Tom Small

Nomadic Knits, Issue Seven: Michigan (Knitting magazine with Michigan theme)

Grief’s Country by Gail Griffin (Memoir by Michigan author)

For Love of Lakes by Darby Nelson

Pandora’s Locks: The Opening of the Great Lakes – St. Lawrence Seaway by Jeff Alexander

Unquenchable: America’s Water Crisis and What to Do About It by Robert Glennon

Overrun: Dispatches from the Asian Carp Crisis by Andrew Reeves

Once Upon a River by Bonnie Jo Campbell (Work of fiction based in Michigan)

The Death and Life of the Great Lakes by Dan Egan

Cheboygan Twin Lakes: Community in the Woods by Thomas R. Knox

The Comedy of Crystal Lake by Stacy Leroy Daniels