While aquatic plants are an important component of healthy lakes and streams, some species form overly large, dense populations. While these nuisance plants are often non-native species such as Eurasian milfoil, native plants can also grow to excess when exposed to high nutrient levels. When plant populations reach levels that impair recreation and ecosystem functioning (for example, decreased fish and bird habitat), control efforts are often warranted. However, there are many options for such efforts, from using predatory insects to machine harvesters, each with advantages and disadvantages. It can be difficult to choose a control option and develop the associated management plan that maximizes efficiency and minimizes cost.
To help Michigan Lake and Stream Associations (ML&SA) members with these decisions, ML&SA has put together the “Invasive aquatic plant control and management guide: a summary of management options and service providers.”
This guide is intended to serve as a resource for ML&SA members who are considering management of invasive aquatic plants. The guide provides a summary of current knowledge and options for management, as well as a list of Michigan businesses that can provide guidance and/or perform management services. Michigan Lake and Stream Associations encourages supporting businesses that are ML&SA commercial members due to their support for the organization and its goals. The guide can be found on the ML&SA website: https://mymlsa.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Invasive-Plant-Control-and-Management-Guide.pdf