On Saturday, March 16, 2013, Michigan State University Extension is sponsoring a workshop designed to educate interested lakefront property owners on the importance of natural shoreline landscaping and the use of bioengineering techniques to provide erosion control.
Workshop topics include: Components of a healthy lake ecosystem; designing and maintaining natural landscapes on lake shorelines; using native plants in shoreline landscapes; attracting fish and wildlife to the shoreline; managing shoreline invasive species; and a review of state of Michigan rules and regulations to consider when planning a natural shoreline project.
Several local shoreline projects will be showcased to give participants a better idea of how to deal with their particular shorelines. Numerous educational displays also will be provided by partner organizations to give participants additional shoreline information and resources.
The workshop will be held at MSU Tollgate Education Center in Novi, Mich. Workshop registration is $45 per person on or before March 8, or $55 per person after. Registration includes morning refreshments, lunch, workshop handouts and a copy of MSUE Bulletin E3145, Natural Shoreline Landscapes on Michigan’s Inland Lakes: Guidebook for Property Owners. Visit the event page for complete registration details.