

For fifty three years, our primarily volunteer organization has worked hard to be an effective state wide advocate for the preservation and protection of Michigan’s  inland lakes and streams as well as  your riparian rights.

Our amicus brief filings in the Michigan Court of Appeals as well as in the Michigan Supreme Court are filed by our attorney in the interest of protecting your riparian rights. These critical court filings cost our organization several thousands of dollars per year. For those of you who may not be aware, Michigan Lake and Stream Associations sponsored amicus briefs have been instrumental in positively influencing  court decisions on behalf of Michigan’s riparian property owners going back to 1961.

Ladies and gentlemen, we need your financial support now so that we may continue working on your behalf.  What value do you place on an organization that has played such a critical role in protecting the riparian property rights you continue to enjoy every day as an inland lake residential homeowner ?

Our humble financial resources are carefully allocated to projects and riparian rights legal cases that promise the greatest return on investment in achieving our mission and goals. With only five very modestly compensated part-time contract employees, you can be assured that your cash gift to Michigan Lake and Stream Associations will not be spent on  salaries and fringe benefits – your donation will go directly to funding our on-going operations and projects that will have direct impact on preserving our freshwater resources and protecting your riparian rights.

Regardless of the amount of your donation, your generosity will help ensure that we are able to continue working on your behalf and on behalf of Michigan’s inland lakes and streams.

Michigan Lake and Stream Associations, Inc. is a fully qualified 501(c)3 non-profit organization which means your generous financial gift will be deductible to the fullest extent of the law on your  itemized federal income tax returns.

Please see the “Please Donate” block located in the upper right hand corner of this page and consider a generous tax deductible donation to help ensure the future of Michigan Lake and Stream Associations.


You Cannot Give It Away...
Harmful Algal Blooms Focus of McNALMS Lunch and Learn Seminar